Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Gone, but never forgotten!

Over the holidays, my family and I spent a few days in Puerto Rico.  A nice vacation in the country my wife is from originally.  Our last moments were marked by my wife looking at her island, or as she refers to it, Mi Isla, on the plane as we turned due North.  She grew up there and the detachment from her home has never left her.  As the tears rolled down her face, my heart sank in sadness for her.  I promised her that soon we will return to live out our last years.

It was not her decision to leave Puerto Rico.  It was a necessary family decision made by her mother for the benefit of her brother who needed urgent medical care.  I cannot imagine how incredibly difficult that must have been for her, especially at age nineteen.  Thus she has spent the last 28 years living in Chicago.  For that part, I am lucky!

I started my blog with the goal of discussing Brighton Park before, after and its possible future.  I spent the last 10 months writing about past stories and occurrences in my life during the late 60's, 70's, and 80's.  With the help of current and former residents, there was lots of great stories shared, lots of connections and reconnections, and some rich criticism made.  All in all, I think the memories were wonderful.  I am happy people took the time to read the posts at the minimum.

So in 2015, I want to begin on the present state of Brighton Park, but I will need a transition piece and this is it!

My last residence in Brighton Park-4145 South Albany.  Last day, May 29th 1994.
Like my wife, we have all left a place of birth, a place we grew in, a city, a state, and like my wife, a country.  Some of us stayed in Chicago, but we left our beloved communities.  I left Brighton Park in 1994 after I was married the first time (It happens!).  Twenty-seven years in BP, then on May 28th, I lived in Humboldt Park.  I left my community.  I left family; mother, aunts, uncles, cousins, brother, sister, and lots of friends.  I left many very good memories and some difficult ones.  My father died in 
the house I have included a picture of in 1990.  Yet, what amazes me now that I work in Brighton Park, is so many people have stayed.

Neighborhood friends, a elementary school teacher, regular people and not so regular. It is incredible and very admirable.  You know why?  They don't have any excuses to leave or make any excuses as to why they stay.  They just stay!

So I ask you, why?  Why stay?  I would love to know, love to hear, and love to share your reasons on this blog.  I think your testimony will speak to the present and yes, the future of Brighton Park.  The experience, the tools, and foresight to sustain the Brighton Park community.  Why would I ask?  Because I know this about why most of us left:
  1. Job-related relocation.
  2. Homes becomes too small/too big.
  3. The grass is always greener.
  4. Marital status.
  5. Retirement.
  6. Health issues
  7. Neighborhood is no longer the same.
  8. Pursuing a dream.
I would love to hear why you stayed, if you're willing to share.  Thank you!

Here's my email  Let me know.  Hope to hear from you!

And thank you!